Week in Review #22

  • Monday - Holiday
  • Tuesday - This is the "off" week in terms of Scrum ceremonies, which is badly needed after last week. I worked on burndown charts (neither math nor Excel come easily to me). My meditation this morning was a form of metta. I tried to keep it in my thoughts. Quite a challenge during backlog refinement. 
  • Wednesday - Blessedly quiet aside from some worrying impediments. Cleared up a nagging problem with some documentation. Practiced with the burndown charts.  
  • Thursday - WE'RE HIRING SOMEONE. Oh blessed day. Hectic morning followed by quiet afternoon. Metrics reporting spreadsheet design handed off to team member with way better Excel chops. With luck, next week will not be nearly as stressful as last week.
  •  Friday - Documentation catch-up, sympathetic ear as teams struggle to form new relationships amid a very demanding schedule.


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