Working software over comprehensive documentation This line seems to me to be the least useful of the bunch, if only because it is so obvious as to seem unnecessary. Software without documentation may or may not be useful; documentation without software is always useless. This line causes technical writers a lot of angst, though, so maybe I will approach it from that perspective as a straddle the career boundary. Part of the angst seems to be rooted in a tendency for people to approach Agile stuff in a restrictive, black and white fashion. Most tech writers being in the business of providing customer-centric documentation of some kind, there's a tendency to think that Agile means getting rid of that wholesale, and I don't think that's what is actually meant. It is fairly common, though, to see "X has more value than y," morph into, "So you don't do y at all then. Good luck with that." Cue rolled eyes. This is of course a straw man; I've y...
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