Week in Review #24

  • Monday - Still hacking up a lung on the regular. Feel blue and desperately unmotivated. The whole industry is just a million rats on a treadmill, doing nothing of any utility. Worked on release notes for three products going out in two different releases this week. Confusion continues to reign. We all took our new Scrum Master out for an excellent lunch, which was def. the high point of the day.  
  • Tuesday - Feeling better physically, huge relief. A reference to pattern languages led me to wonder if that isn't what I'm doing at this stage of my life -- assembling a pattern language for living? It seems like we know so much and make so little use of it, and so many people are actively prevented from being able to live well, and for what reason?  
  • Wednesday/Thursday - Snoooooooooooooooooooooooooow. Very quiet at the office. Met with our new Scrum Master to get her familiar with the schedule and practices followed here, some of which met with raised eyebrows.  
  • Friday - Got some Twitter love, always nice (rarity value as well as regular value). Think we might finally resolve one of the most persistent annoying tech debt issues that have plagued my team pretty much ever since I started working here. Met with someone about an architecture diagram we're working on. 


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