Week in Review #23

  • Monday - Anxiety levels on the rise. Team members unhappy with the amount of information they're being expected to absorb at speed in their new configuration. (My shocked face, where did I put it.) We have a release on Friday, so I spent much of the day making sure that my documentation ducks were orderly. 
  • Tuesday - Sprint review day. I learned something valuable about myself, namely that my claustrophobia is considerably worse than I realized. Or maybe it was just that I was getting sick piling on to the existing anxiety.
  • Wednesday -  Came down with a cold. Made it through sprint plannings, albeit grumpy, snappish, and headachey throughout. Put together velocity metrics and burndowns. Went out for lunch with one of the teams. Learned that they don't get Saturdays off in India. ???? 
  • Thursday - Home sick. Messed with more metrics reporting. 
  • Friday - Went in to the office, but I definitely wasn't feeling 100%. The release got pushed out to next week. sigh


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