Week in Review #15

  • Monday - Did laundry, cleaned, tidied up from the holidays.
  • Tuesday - Sprint planning. We're down by one team, so I thought it would take less time than usual; instead, we ended up using the full time-box to discuss some ancillary team matters. Spent much of the day reading Kanban in Action to prep for Wednesday's meeting. 
  • Wednesday - More Kanban in Action. This is a great introductory book on the system, well worth the money. Was hoping to get started with the team on reworking their board, but had to reschedule. This is a common pattern, and makes getting traction on any issue frustrating.
  • Thursday - Snow day! Burrowed into my blankets with Kanban in Action until I had to change tasks or lose my mind. Listened to Meta-Cast 116, also on kanban, and 117 (again), on having fun.  
  • Friday - Poor road conditions meant anyone with a long commute worked from home. The whole week has that suspended feeling, when it's difficult to get any traction. I have reached the later chapters of the kanban book, which seem less immediately applicable, and also reached my limit for absorbing new information. It is an excellent resource, and I'll be revisiting it in the course of this project.

    As a follow-up to the link I posted a couple of weeks back, I have been going through the Unravel Your Year workbook. It's an interesting and sometimes challenging process -- I'm not done with my '18 pages yet -- and if you're of an introspective cast and don't mind a certain amount of heavy metaphor, worth a look.


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