Week in Review #10

Short week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • Monday - Mostly spend doing technical writing work, as we prepared for (yet another) release that was supposed to go out on Monday (ended up being Tuesday due to issues with the test environments -- more environment problems! It frustrates me no end the amount of time we spend on those.) 
  • Tuesday - Spent the day at the Give Thanks for Scrum event in Boston. It was... interesting. I have a lot of thoughts and some criticisms, as one does.
  • Wednesday - Listened to episode 3 of "Hurry Slowly." Much food for thought (one of those thoughts being that a 10 day meditation retreat would probably drive me insane). Wrote my blog post on yesterday's event.

    The office usually closes early on the day before a holiday weekend, and everyone having one eye on a clock makes it a bit harder to get things accomplished. I signed up for a webinar on Clean Language today, purely out of curiosity and figuring that my schedule would be largely clear. There's so much to learn, I could literally spend all of my time doing just that! 
 I don't think anybody reads this blog, but if you do -- have a nice holiday if you're local, and a nice week and weekend if you're not. 


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