Week in Review #1
One reason I started this blog was in order to make sure that my own work is visible to me. I recently explained to one of our coaches that I find it difficult to feel like I'm getting anything done in this job. I come from a role in which I could at the end of the day point to milestones met and deliverables done -- could print out my day's work on actual paper. Scrum Mastering is not amenable to that, and it's one reason I have hesitated to leap into the role full-time. Will I be able to cope with the lack of concrete achievement?
He suggested that a blog would make a useful record, so I am going to experiment with this.
He suggested that a blog would make a useful record, so I am going to experiment with this.
- Sprint retrospectives - turned up a ton of impassioned feedback
- Raised awareness with dev manager - teams feel a lack of strategic information (he came through, and I filled out a thank-you card)
- Raised awareness with release coordinator - current deadline is not feasible (or fair)
- Encouraged team members to prioritize their health over unrealistic commitments they had no part in making
- Planned a meeting with the product owners (had to move to next week)
- Got 1/3 through Start with Why and am underwhelmed.
- Reviewed proposal from outside consultant re: team building work, for which there is unfortunately no budget. Boo.
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