Week in Review #13

  • Monday - Spent most of the day on documentation as we come into the end of the sprint. Felt glum (again - Monday blahs?). It seems like my role transfer might actually become reality after all?
  • Tuesday - Went back to the CodeNewbies podcast (S1E2) and Base.cs (E2). There's so much good information out there, so many people doing neat things. Got a request from my mentor to take on a short-time coaching role for a team in a different product area. We have a release coming up at the end of this week, but it looks like after that I'll have some time to spend with this group, and hopefully I'll find a way to be useful to them. Also, we had backlog grooming. I should make one of my goals for next year to be "get this process to suck less."
  • Wednesday - Sprint planning was weird. There was a lot of carry-over from the previous sprint, one team is being reassigned to another product, and most of us are going to be on vacation for at least one week at the end of the year. This whole sprint is going to be cleaning up carried over tickets for a release early next week. I suppose that's a decent way to end the year, clearing the books of work in progress.
  • Thursday - Created a GitHub account and ran through their little tutorial. If I'm going to learn more about code next year, this toolkit seems like a necessary component. This is the time of year when I tend to get over-ambitious, but I suppose that's better than the reverse. 
  • Friday -  People have already started vanishing from the office; I suspect next week is going to be incredibly quiet here. I have documentation to finish up for Monday's release, and a post or two to work on.


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