Week in Review #6
Six weeks of blogging already?! Monday - Finished listening to Agile for Humans 013. Had some good conversations with our coaches. Tuesday - WebEx changed their loading screen. Started CodeNewbie podcast with their current episode, 154. For reference, the last time I did any Web coding, HTML 4.0 was brand new. I've been doing CodeAcademy courses to get back up to speed on that -- not with any practical application at the moment, but you never know. The problem for me is always that there are so many things one could learn, how to choose? We had a backlog grooming session, which was... okay. Half of one team has been pulling insane hours to put out a fire involving a major client. Wednesday - Finished listening to the CodeNewbie episode, which I feel contained some excellent advice along with useful information. I'll try to keep up with this one. Got to try to mediate/facilitate a minor clash involving team members getting pulled into other projects. It's frustratingly...